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Without these people, and their commitment of time and effort, along with our sponsors, the SJNA community would not have had an Art Show! We are humbled, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
(led by) Melynn Huntley
Amy Von Lintel
Amanda Greene
Andi Wardlaw
Angela Workman
Deborah Weston
Eddy Sauer
Emily Koller
Jason Boyett
Kathryn Traves
Mark Rohl
Mary Bralley
Raul Rodarte - Suto
Sherman Bass
Sherrie Ferguson
Sonya Letson
Teresa Kenedy
* SJNA Volunteers *
Brady Clark
Casey Niccoli
Dirk Funk
Dora Meroney
Jeannie Lira
Jennifer Munoz
Lou Baggett
Tyler Tatum
Will Thompson
Art show Sponsors: Quote
A huge heartfelt thank you to these sponsors! Without you, the Art on Rt 66 show would not have been possible. We had an amazing show from start to finish, and deeply appreciate each of you!
Art show Sponsors: Quote
Art show Sponsors: Quote
Art show Sponsors: Who We Are
Art show Sponsors: Quote
Art show Sponsors: Quote
Art show Sponsors: What We Do
Art show Sponsors: Quote

Art show Sponsors: Quote

Art show Sponsors: Quote
Art show Sponsors: Quote
Art show Sponsors: Quote
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